Gaps Appear
As We Grow
It's natural. But when we strive alone, gaps often become cracks that start to show. Get world-class coaching and experience the clarity, momentum, and growth that you desire.

Did you know that coaching really means carrying?
Get the personal support that every busy person needs to carry-through with the right changes. Become more effective in business, improve your relationships, and finally experience what it's like to live and work with more consistent confidence, impact, and joy.

You Can Create Personal
& Professional Freedom
Get the world-class personal development formula for maximising your potential and elevating your life:
- Get clear on your purpose and direction
- Reduce diary overwhelm, increase positive energy, and get more balanced
- Become more present, creative, and productive
- Open up a new level of bravery, making change and growth happen more quickly for you
- Take the power back in your relationships and inspire others to take more urgent action
Yes, It Really Is Possible!
This is the highest-regarded coaching curriculum in the world. Across 100,000+ sessions independently measured by a third party, the average client satisfaction rating is 9.7 out of 10. In this Certified High Performance Coaching programme, you'll learn how to finally take control of yourself and your future.
In The Next 3 Months, You Could…
- Finally get clear on your purpose in life and business, and see your next steps
- Feel confident about who you are becoming and the legacy you're leaving
- Wake up with excitement, joy, and passion for the life and career you're consciously building
The right insight, tools, and habits make all the difference. We'll cover it all in High Performance Coaching.
High Performance Coaching

Are Ready To Unlock Your Potential?
This 12-week personal coaching programme will teach you everything you need to know to get clear on your next steps and make weekly improvements that, by the end of the programme, create a new lifestyle that you're excited to wake up to every morning. You'll learn how to:
- Get mentally clear on your vision, next steps, and purpose for life and business
- Start and gain momentum with the projects floating around in your head
- Become more brave with change and learn to adapt and innovate more easily
- Connect with people more meaningfully and inspire them to take urgent action
- Win time back for yourself and the people you love by becoming more present, effective, and creative
- Feel excited about your vision and mission, and feel that joyful I-can-do-anything energy that you get from seeing positive change and faster progress
With weekly one-hour sessions, you will get the insight, tools, and accountability to shift your conversations and choices towards living the life you've imagined.
What's Included In The Programme...

Focal Points
This is your chance to take stock of where you are in life and begin to design the experiences you want to focus on creating. You will get an overall picture of where you are clear and unclear, as well as what you need to focus on for the coming months. You will:
- Identify your biggest goals
- Figure out where you're being distracted
- Identify areas that need improving
You’ll finish this session knowing exactly where you need to focus on in your life and career, so that you can grow into the person you need to be. Focal Points will set the remainder of your sessions up for success.

This is where you get remarkable clarity about who you are, how you want to treat others, and what life principles and practices keep you progressing and performing at your best. You will also:
- Figure out what makes you happy and how to get more of it
- Identify your mission and core values
- Learn to live and work in alignment with the best of who you are
- Become a better mentor, partner, and leader for others
You will finish this session with a clear reference point for how to think at your best, interact with others at your best, and which practices create success for you so that you can do more of them.

The world's highest performers understand how to amplify their energy to higher levels so that they have the vibrancy and stamina needed to achieve their goals and live a fully charged life. In this session, you’ll learn:
- Where the sources of your stress come from and how to minimise them
- How to bounce back from stressful situations faster and increase positive emotions at work and in life
- Routines to recharge that will increase your mood, well-being, and overall work-life balance
You'll finish this session with a new perspective on emotions that will not only raise your own energy, but help those you care about to do the same.

It takes courage to go after your dreams, face challenges, and change for good. In this session, you will learn:
- Where you might be backing down in relationships and business, and how to step up in difficult situations
- where courage comes from and how to have more of it
- How to be more honest about your real thoughts, needs, and ambitions
- How to move out of your comfort zone, feel brave, and get the growth you want
You will finish this session with the confidence and plan for how to have the hard conversations that you need in order to progress in business and relationships.

True high-performers are as productive and effective in the lives as they are with their work. In this session, you'll learn how to stop stealing time from the people you care about and:
- Identify where you're not productive enough right now
- Get clear on what's most important (priority) in your mission or achievements
- Get a set of tools to increase your productivity and effectiveness
You’ll finish this session knowing your main sources of distraction and how to minimise them. You'll complete the important work and show others how to do the same.

Great news: influence does not depend on your personality. Influence is a skill that you can develop. In this session, you will learn the foundations of influence that even people we consider influential, sometimes forget. You'll learn:
- The baseline requirements for being influential and how to apply it to your very next conversation
- Identify the type of mentor, parent, partner, or leader you want to become and why developing more influence is crucial
- Better connect with others and inspire them to elevate their actions
You'll finish this session with more influence than you had before, with surprisingly indirect yet highly effective strategies to implement in your very next conversation.

Psychology Mastery
The world's highest performers have learned to master their mind, and you can too. We think 60,000-70,000 thoughts in a day, and every thought leads to a choice we make. When we gain understanding and mastery of our minds, we can better direct the actions we take. In this session, you'll:
- Identify the thoughts that limit your potential
- Adopt beliefs that will make you feel more happy, confident, and brave
- Learn how to re-direct your mind when it reverts to old thinking, so that you can do the things you promised yourself
You will craft new and supportive beliefs about yourself and learn the power of activating those beliefs with questions. Your mind will feel stronger and more positively directed, immediately elevating your conversations and choices so that they align with your vision and mission.

Physiology Mastery
The world's highest performers understand how to amplify their energy to higher levels when they need it, ensuring they have the vibrancy and stamina needed to achieve their evolving goals and live a fully charged life. In this session, you’ll learn:
- To elevate how others see you by making sure your physical presence aligns with how you want to be seen
- New techniques for releasing stress anytime, anywhere
- New techniques for raising your energy anytime, anywhere
You will finish this session feeling lighter and more vibrant, ready for your next phase, and understand how to get this feeling back after a long day, set back, or difficult onversation. Much like a professional athlete prepares and primes their energy, you will also learn how to stay charged and win your day.

Productivity Mastery
The world's highest performers are remarkably productive, completing initiatives that actually make a positive difference. We will review your productivity and progress, and identify areas to create more quality output and efficiency. You'll also:
- Identify projects that are moving too slowly and how to increase the pace
- How to identify and cut out activities that aren't giving you the productive payoff you require to move forward
- How to predict whether or not you'll successfully complete a challenge or project
This is another powerful session on creating quality output that will progress the goals, projects, and dreams that are most important to you.

Persuasion Mastery
In this session you'll build on your influence foundations and learn how to become immediately more persuasive. You'll become better at:
- Articulating and communicating your point and persuading others to believe in you
- Inspiring and enabling others to take specific and urgent action
- Crafting presentations and conversations where influence and persuasion are key to success
You'll finish this session with a proven three-part formula that you can immediately begin to use in work conversations, mediations, negotiations, requests of your family, and more.

Purpose Mastery
This is your chance to identify and articulate your life purpose. You will land on a clear statement that you can use to guide your decisions and help others understand what you're here to do. You will:
- Get clarity on your life purpose by articulating it in a single sentence
- If you're in business, articulate a separate and specific career purpose statement that you can use at work to give clarity to your colleagues about your role and mission in the business
- If you're starting your own business, articulate a business mission statement that clearly states why your business exists
Purpose statements are specific, powerful sentences that help you stay on path and make life and business decisions clearly and consistently. They also create clarity for others when they're shared during meetings and introductions, as well as with the media and public.

Commitment to High Performance
In this session you'll define your best areas for commitment and discipline moving forward, ensuring that you have the right personal systems and focus to continue your progress and momentum. We will also review your:
- Productivity and progress
- Persuasion and empathy
- Psychology
- Physiology and energy
- Presence
- Purpose and serving more greatly
You'll also get a printable copy of the six pillars of high performance that you can pin up or set notifications for, that will remind you of how much you've grown and how far you can go when you stay committed to your personal development.

This Programme Is For You If...
- You want to execute stuff that's floating around in your brain
- Your diary is overwhelming
- You need others to step up and support you better
- You've been managing but not improving fast enough
- You have difficulty putting yourself first
- You're unclear on your next steps
I'm Tanya Semerad
When I was a lawyer, I barely had time for myself. I was overworked and overwhelmed, and despite warning signs, I "powered through" (and still worked on weekends). I developed an autoimmune disease. My hair was falling out, skin cracking and bleeding, and I looked and felt like the walking dead for about 18 months. It took the Global Financial Crisis and interesting office politics to have me discharged from my lawyerly duties (a.k.a. redundant). I started my life again, studying and founding a marketing agency for lawyers, then working my way up international businesses to head of department and managing bigger teams.
I didn't have a network or financial support, so constantly I'd ask myself, "Who do I need to become?", and acquired the knowledge and skill to get me there. Yes, there were some very late nights, early mornings, frustrating experience, and it took a while to create the changes - because yet again - I was doing it all by myself. I didn't know that professionals had access to high performance coaching that gave them a competitive advantage (and their life back!). So, I certified as a High Performance Coach in the US, and over the last 7 years have been the secret weapon for accelerating progress, impact, and positive change for executives, leaders, and their teams across various industries in the UK, Europe, Middle East, and US.
So, who do you need to become?

"It's very easy to start coasting and caught up in the day-to-day stuff. The coaching has helped me get very focused and make a few changes and tweaks. Really, it's only a small 1% or 2%, which then changed the whole direction. The coaching gave me the time to be able to step back, reflect, re-strategise, and bring more joy and meaning to my work. "
Sarah Glastonbury,
Head of Marketing

"Tanya had created an experience like no other. She is immensely knowledgeable, bringing variety to every session. It makes a big difference that she has a vested interest in your progress and challenges you in every session, which keeps you motivated. Getting a coach is a life-changing experience that helped me to grow personally and professionally. Couldn’t recommend it highly enough."
Hassna Hraima, Senior Operations Manager

"Since meeting Tanya, she has shown me ways I can go above and beyond in every area of my life by utilising tools and techniques I never knew existed. Her energy, passion and enthusiasm is infectious with her words resonating with me to create legitimate breakthroughs, giving me both a peace in my life and a new drive and ambition for the future. I cannot thank Tanya enough for her support and all that she has helped me with to achieve on my ongoing journey."
Alistair Paine,
Business Development Manager
High Performance Coaching
If you aren't completely satisfied with Certified High Performance Coaching, let us know within the first 14-days of starting the programme and you'll get your remaining sessions refunded. No questions asked.
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I loved this programme and want more! What other experiences do you offer?
Still Thinking About
Getting A Coach?
Sarah explains how this coaching refocused her priorities both privately and professionally, re-ignited her motivation, and helped her gain serious momentum on the ideas and side-projects she'd been working on.
Got Questions? Email [email protected]
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